Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Pearl Harbor

December 7, 1941 is a day many will never forget. That’s the day Pearl Harbor was bombed by the Japan. President Roosevelt was trying to stay away from the war and just try and be neutral. But after Japan did the bombing he couldn’t stay like that and the United States joined the war. That attack took place at dawn in Hawaii. More than 24,000 soldiers were killed in the attack. A writer from “No Ordinary Times” he quoted how the news of the attacks were taken by the Roosevelt’s. Eleanor was coming from a luncheon and she overheard some of FDR’s conversation and she knew that something big happened and Franklin was going to take drastic action against this attack. Since it was a sneak attack the United States took a little while to fully recover. But, FDR knew that if he didn’t act fast it wouldn’t be to long when Germany would attack as well. So he tried to come with the comeback as soon as possible. They took the fast actions they could. Franklin took longer than Eleanor. She didn’t waste any time he went on her radio station and informed the entire country about the attacks and asked for all the support possible from everyone. Franklin later that day went on TV to tell the nation of the crisis and will need all the support from everyone. The country quickly responded and they moved right in to fight. Around two days later Eleanor was spotted in the South Pacific supporting all the troops to show them that se was behind them 100%.

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